Senin, 31 Mei 2010


Unique Culture-The beauty of Batik of Batik Pekalongan

A WebQuest for Adult, Intermediate, Students of English as a Foreign/Second Language (EFL/ESL)

Created by Puji Astuti


I live in Pekalongan. Pekalongan is a city that produces batik and show worthy of being an icon for the development of batik in Indonesia. Batik is one of traditional culture in Indonesia. Batik has existed in the Javanese ancestors thousands of years ago. Batik has become part of Indonesia's traditional clothing. Batik now become an international cultural heritage and batik are also a trend in the international world as a unique motive throughout the world of batik fashion. I’m very proud to be Pekalongan people that well-known of Batik. I want to make Batik Pekalongan more popular in Indonesia and International.


map of Pekalongan


You are as Pekalongan people. Please make brochure about Batik Pekalongan in order to improve and make batik of Pekalongan more popular in Indonesia even International. You are assigned to promote batik of Pekalongan by describing it as detail and interest as possible. On the other hand, the promotion should offer motive, types, style and trend fashion of Batik. It should also offer the best quality, You are assigned to promote batik Pekalongan describing it as details as possible. On the other hand, the promotion should offer motive of batik, types and style of batik, and trend fashion. It should also offers best quality of batik and reachable or lower price as possible.

  1. Create a brochure about Pekalongan batik, to be made available for customers. The main information to be includeed in the brochure are: process or technique of making batik of Pekalongan, motive, types, fashion or style, shopping center and price of Batik. You can also include additional offers of your brochure to add value of your package. Describe in detail the batik of Pekalongan and the brochure not more than 4 pages of A4 paper.
  2. Present your article in front of the class. In thdefinition, and process/technique of making Batik. Describe in detail the motives, the style, Quality, and trend fashion. The presentation should be from 15 to 20 minutes.
  • You will be working in a group of three. Click the information from website the links of which are provided below. When you search the web pages, note down important information that you need for making brochure. First, before you creating your brochure you have to know how to make a brochure. The following resources will help you to produce a good brochure:

  • Discuss and decide the kinds of motives, trend fashion and shopping center of Batik in Pekalongan that you ewant to offer in your brochure. Make sure that you should introduce and promote Batik of Pekalongan as traditional heritage of Great Grandparents as interest as possible.

Techniques of making batik

Fabric Batik
Hand-drawn batik
painting batik



Veron Fashion
Batik markets

Gerai Batik exclusive and unique

Catalog fashion


Center of Batik

batikpekalongan Shop

batik pekalongan


Pekalongan Batik Shop

  • Now, you can arrange the information you have gathered, and start writing up your brochure.
  • After the brochure is ready, prepare for the presentation. The following resources would be useful to guide you to plan an effective presentation:

Practice several times so that your group’s presentation would be effective. Mind on time limitation.


1. The article (total: 60 points)



Clarity (20 points)

The choice of vocabulary, the order of the article, and sentence structures

Accuracy (20 points)

Correct information based on the information at the suggested websites

Presentation (20 points)

Interesting layout with effective pictures and illustration to enhance clarity and attractiveness

2. The oral presentation (total: 40 points)



Pronunciation (10 points)

Correct pronunciation with accurate stress and intonation

Fluency (10 points)

The appropriate ideas from opening, body, and closing of the presentation

Body language (10 points)

Effective use of body language to enhance the attention from the audience

Use of visual aid (10 points)

Effective use of visual aids to improve the clarity of the presentation


You are now ready to publish your article. The next thing to think about is how the information of your offer can be accessed by prospective visitors. That would be your next task though.


I would like to thank to the owners or copyright holders of the following websites from which the resources of this webquest are cited:

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